4-star Lifemark home, Hamilton

Property Investor Jeremy Baker includes Lifemark™ homes in his personal portfolio of properties. Here’s what he had to say about the experience.

“We chose Lifemark™ because we wanted to test the rental market for accessible homes and Lifemark™ was a good way for us to ensure the property was accessible and we had thought of everything, and it was also an easy way to communicate the nature of the property when we went to market with it.

“The property is located very close to Chartwell so it’s a great location with easy access to shops and transport. My Grandmother owns this property – so we also saw it as a good possible option for her if she needs something accessible in the coming years.

“We rented this place within a week, we actually had a lot of demand from the general public as well as people requiring accessible property. I would highly recommend doing this for other landlords, the cost is minimal and it ensures you get a well thought out house that’s a pleasure to live in.

“I do think there is a huge opportunity for private landlords to work with social housing providers who are always looking for suitable properties. There is certainly a much bigger role for private landlords to fulfil in providing this sort of accommodation over the coming years.

I also want to thank the GJ Gardner Waikato team for approaching Lifemark™ and working with them on our behalf, and delivering a great property on time and on budget.”

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