For homes with space in the right place
Lifemark® rated homes are designed to be usable and safe for people of all ages and stages. They are easy to live in – for a lifetime.
Lifemark® work alongside designers and builders to offer advice on how to make best use of space in a home, based on the principles of Universal Design. Any new home design and any size home can be Lifemark® rated. It’s about designing to have space in the right place.
The Lifemark® Star Rating shows how well a home or retirement village will suit you and your family’s needs over a lifetime. Find out more about the Lifemark® Star Rating here.
Find out, from a homeowners’ perspective, what it’s like to live in a Lifemark® rated home…
The Lifemark® Process
4 steps to creating your new home for life
Find a Lifemark® Accredited
Partner, or talk to your
Designer or Builder
about becoming
We work alongside Accredited
Partners and offer advice to
ensure your plans have all
the necessary space
and features
When it comes to finding suitable
products to fit out your home,
our Product Partners
have you covered
Your home is built to a 3, 4 or
5 star Lifemark® rating.
Enjoy the benefits of living
in a home that's been
designed for life!