Why Universal Design?
Why Universal Design?

Universal Design for housing that considers everyone
Universally Designed housing can be easily used by everyone of all ages, stages and abilities.
It creates homes that are safe, adaptable and liveable. It’s about getting the details right so the home can respond to people’s changing lives and needs.
Universal Design principles aren't just about disability. Different life stages such as pregnancy, childhood, injury and old age are all included in a Universal Design approach, ensuring that the house is ready for these changes from day one.
A Lifemark® rated home demonstrates that accessibility does not have to compromise a striking design, it is simply about having space in the right place.
Universal Design is essential for some, necessary for many and comfortable for all

Housing that allows us to live well
By 2050, one in four New Zealanders will be over 65.
Based on current projections, those over 65 will grow proportionately faster than any other group. To ensure people can stay in their own homes for as long as possible or move to well-designed independent living and aged care facilities, we need places designed with the future in mind.
Currently, there are not enough Universally Designed houses in New Zealand to meet demand, and the shortfall will be even greater in 30 years if current building trends continue. Many people will be forced to move into residential care facilities because their homes don't meet their needs, putting additional pressure on our already-stretched infrastructure.
The solution? For all new housing to consider the diverse and changing needs of the people who may live in them. And the time to act is now.
Moving or making renovations is expensive, disruptive and stressful. Lifemark® rated homes include practical design features that continue to meet the needs of people as they age, without requiring major modifications in the future.
The ABCs of Universal Design
ACCESSThe home has at least one level entry step-free pathway and entrance
BATHROOMThere is a well-positioned toilet on the entry level with walls reinforced to attach grab rails
CIRCULATIONThe home’s spaces are easy to move between with wider doorways and hallways
Universal Design is for everyone